Some toughts after few raids Experience regarding druid class ability:
Who benefits from innervate most are ppl with more SPI.
So Artio and Gijis got more benefit while the 2 pally get less for example(i bet healadin dont have high amount of SPi but i can be wrong)
SO i think the priority on boss fight of innervate are:
1: Healer with high SPI
2: Healer with low SPI
3: DPS with High SPI
4: DPS with LOW SPI
5: Rogues and Warriors
Combat ress:
Well commonly the ress is for:
1:Druid With CR Up
Obviously there are some execption forr ressing/innervating
If the the player have some important duty(it can be ressed regarding his status)(warlock just use life tap at terestian dont ask for innervate fool and spec destro ffs)
a):FearWarding(High priority!!!)
c): Killing Adds/banish shackle adds ecc
d):kicking/Silence/Counterspell(but this duty can be shared among various classes so less priority here)
Maybe is useful to make some macro for ressing/innervating so you can notify the whole raid of what you are doing:
A ressed ppl need a fast heal (or be pala rebuffed)cause some aoe damage can just rekill him
Thanks for reading!!!