1. Ingame Name: Loor.
2. Lvl, race and class: 70 hunter.
3. Past Guilds: palatini, BroF.
4. Reason for leaving: guild disbands.
5. Equipment - An updated CTProfile/Alla profile required:
http://armory.wow-europe.com/?#character-sheet.xml?r=Twilight%27s+Hammer&n=Loor it doesnt seem to work though..
6. What experience do you have in raids?: Gruuls lair cleared. kara: huntsman, moroes, maiden, opera, curator.
7: What keys/attunements do you have? : attuned to kara, reveared with CE. S'T, KoT and soon with HH.
8: How can you contribute to Nuvola?: hopefully nr 1 on dmg meters?
and do not misunderstand that one, hunters have feign death and it is there to be spammed
9: What do you expect to gain from Nuvola?: a raiding, proceding and friendly guild.
10: Between which times can u be online everyday and what days cant you be online?: i am online everyday from i get home from school to i go to bed (get kicked to bed) wich is usualy about 23:00 - other then that i have a little problem with my parents beeing very strict about eating dinner togeather wich meens afkeing 5-10 mins, that i will ofc cordinate as good as posible, after a boss etc.
11: Do you have any problems following orders?: no.
12: What's your talentbuild and are you willing to respecc if needed?: 11/47/3, yes bit respec wil most likley not be needed.
13: Do you have Ventrillo/Teamspeak installed and are you prepared to use it?: ofc.
14: Do you have a microphone?: ofc.
15: How old are you?: 16.
16: What country do you live in: denmark
17: Tell us about yourself..: ehh lazy geek living at home.