1. Ingame Name:
2. Lvl, race and class:
70, Dwarf Hunter
3. Past Guilds:
4. Reason for leaving:
Guild died
5. Equipment - An updated CTProfile/Alla profile required:
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Twilight%27s+Hammer&n=Bearhunter6. What experience do you have in raids?:
none yet (Only need to do BM for kara)
7: What keys/attunements do you have? :
Half way honored with all instance factions
8: How can you contribute to Nuvola?:
A nice player and help to other players
9: What do you expect to gain from Nuvola?:
Helping me getting the raid attunements
10: Between which times can u be online everyday and what days cant you be online?:
I can be online almost every day, from arround 14:00 untill 18:00 and then from 19:00 or 20:00 untill 22:15
11: Do you have any problems following orders?:
12: What's your talentbuild and are you willing to respecc if needed?:
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-talents.xml?r=Twilight%27s+Hammer&n=Bearhunter13: Do you have Ventrillo/Teamspeak installed and are you prepared to use it?:
Yep i have both
14: Do you have a microphone?:
15: How old are you?:
16: What country do you live in:
The Netherlands
17: Tell us about yourself...
Im a 16 year old boy. And i like Rock and Metal music